Sabtu, 25 Mei 2013

#Re-post Speech Lulusan Terbaik

Saya lulus. Seharusnya saya menganggapnya sebagai sebuah pengalaman yang menyenangkan, terutama karena saya adalah lulusan terbaik di kelas saya. Namun, setelah direnungkan, saya tidak bisa mengatakan kalau saya memang lebih pintar dibandingkan dengan teman-teman saya. Yang bisa saya katakan adalah kalau saya memang adalah yang terbaik dalam melakukan apa yang diperintahkan kepada saya dan juga dalam hal mengikuti sistem yang ada.

Di sini saya berdiri, dan seharusnya bangga bahwa saya telah selesai mengikuti periode indoktrinasi ini. Saya akan pergi musim dingin ini dan menuju tahap berikut yang diharapkan kepada saya, setelah mendapatkan sebuah dokumen kertas yang mensertifikasikan bahwa saya telah sanggup bekerja.

Tetapi saya adalah seorang manusia, seorang pemikir, pencari pengalaman hidup – bukan pekerja. Pekerja adalah orang yang terjebak dalam pengulangan, seorang budak di dalam sistem yang mengurung dirinya. Sekarang, saya telah berhasil menunjukkan kalau saya adalah budak terpintar. Saya melakukan apa yang disuruh kepadaku secara ekstrim baik. Di saat orang lain duduk melamun di kelas dan kemudian menjadi seniman yang hebat, saya duduk di dalam kelas rajin membuat catatan dan menjadi pengikut ujian yang terhebat.

Saat anak-anak lain masuk ke kelas lupa mengerjakan PR mereka karena asyik membaca hobi-hobi mereka, saya sendiri tidak pernah lalai mengerjakan PR saya. Saat yang lain menciptakan musik dan lirik, saya justru mengambil ekstra SKS, walaupun saya tidak membutuhkan itu. Jadi, saya penasaran, apakah benar saya ingin menjadi lulusan terbaik? Tentu, saya pantas menerimanya, saya telah bekerja keras untuk mendapatkannya, tetapi apa yang akan saya terima nantinya? Saat saya meninggalkan institusi pendidikan, akankah saya menjadi sukses atau saya akan tersesat dalam kehidupan saya?

Saya tidak tahu apa yang saya inginkan dalam hidup ini. Saya tidak memiliki hobi, karena semua mata pelajaran hanyalah sebuah pekerjaan untuk belajar, dan saya lulus dengan nilai terbaik di setiap subjek hanya demi untuk lulus, bukan untuk belajar. Dan jujur saja, sekarang saya mulai ketakutan…….”

Senin, 20 Mei 2013

Be Grateful on Sunday 20:53

Everything seems so blurry, it was a dream. I felt like i'm dreaming and this is not reality or maybe this is just something I refuse to believe in. when i got this message I felt like i can't wake up from my dream and made all my body goosebump. But I'm so grateful for this chance. i knew i'll never know when i'm ready to take the opportunity. So, I decided to take this chance although i can't speak eanglish fluently. So, this is time for me to appreciate what ALLAH's gave to me. This is will be hard for me but i know Allah never give me a hard thing out of my ability. I still remember how scared i'm when i went to U204 for interview. I still remember how fast my heart beating. I still remember how cold my arms, but i hope this is will embrace me to beautiful future and i can improve my network. From now seems like  eanglish conversation will be my daily intake and i should take my time at least one hour to increase my eanglish ability, and do you know what i'm thinking is only about to convince my friends that what they think about me is all wrong. I can't imagine if i can have lots of friend from another country. So, i'll do my best. 

If you don't have goals, what do you strive for?

I just realized that everything i do should be something meaningful and precious. So there is not only about " Hidup itu jalani aja apa adanya, tapi saya ada apanya untuk hidup?". Everyone should have their own goals. If we have goals we will know the direction. I'll strive for everything what i want.  So, I think i should write my goals to know what should i do to reach my own goals and to convince myself  doing something useful.

1. Doing my best for final exam
2. Review all subject on next holiday
3. Join conversation class and additional eanglish class 
4. Prepare everything for sophomore years
5. Proker SEF Campaign
6. Indomie 2013
7. Let's be RELIABLE person of being Liaison Officer for FSDE  2013
8. Let's say I CAN, not I WILL do my best for being International seminar staff ( but still worry)
9. Global leadership forum
10. Dont forget my own duty of being economic student

1. Join to traditional dance club
2. Big goal is join AIESEC UGM SUMMER HOLIDAY! 

Allah SWT not deaf and blind, he also hears everything what we want. But he never granted it  if we never strive. Tidak ada usaha yang tidak ada hasil dan tidak ada hasil tanpa usaha. Semoga semuanya tidak hanya sekedar wacana dan mimpi dan bisa jadi next story yang "membahagian" buat di tulis di blog perjalanan hidup selanjutnya. Amin. 

Jumat, 17 Mei 2013


For my friend maybe being student rantau is the first time  but not for me. It almost 4 years i become a student rantau, feel so bored with this life. I just wanna come back to home.  i'm afraid of having distance with my family, dispite I know distance can't separated us. I marely miss to taste the food made by mom or bibi ilung. Nothing compare the scent and the taste of  sambel dadakan bibi ilung. I miss playing run and seek with my little brother and i'm also miss bothering him when he fall a sleep. Having quality time at City Walk with my sister while eating Ichiban Sushi. I can feel how happy i'm,  although i'm living in cruel place called cikarang. Cikarang is a factory city which have so many labors living in there. The number of motorcycle always increase year by year. You can imagine how irregular the road in there. ok, going back to the topic, I  realize that all this things is something which can make me more mature, stronger or become wonderwoman hehe. So, I should be grateful even i'm living in primitif city called Jogjakarta (cause the pubilc transportation was really scare). I hope i can past my life in collage with succesfuly and find a proper time for going back to cikarang. I just need a proper time, but i also should fill the time with something useful and spend my time for a lucid goal . Let's say goodbye for homesick and console my self from my envious feeling for all people who always going back to home. Selamat pagi sabtu 18 Mei'13 let's take a sleep. 

Jumat, 03 Mei 2013

#conversation 1

Aku gak mau wie hidup cuma main -main

Entah kenapa semua yg aku jalanin ke depan harus serius

Karena yg kita lakuin sekarang itu jadi awal buat kedepannya gimana

Aku ngerasa belum ada apa-apanya

Aku mau dapetin sesuatu yang lebih dan masih banyak yang mau dilakuin

Kita gak bisa hidup ngikutin pepatah "biar aja ngalir apa adanya"

Boleh ikutin arus kaya air tapi kalo emang udah ngehasilin sesuatu

Rabu, 01 Mei 2013

I Only Have a Single Mom to Rising Me

It has been three month i'm not coming back to home. Sometimes i'm afraid of being student rantau because i can't being closed with my mother.  But i know this is my turn to make her happy. She always said about her dreams, the thing that she really want to see is only seeing her childrens success in the future. So I never want to being a rebel and ruin her dream. 

I don't know how i can replace what you did to me. I'm really sorry if i can't going back to home at this term. Sorry if i  always bothering your day. I don't know why if you are gone. Because I have only you to rising me. We will fix all problem in our life together. All problem are just a little test from Allah SWT, right? and we will travel the world together. I miss you and i know you miss me too. 

In the end of the day i really want to go home to something worth going to home too , mother and family.

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Nadiraafifa, FKUI 2011