Selasa, 30 April 2013

Welcome Mei 2013

Short post in first day of May 2013, Hallo blogger.

Alhamdulillah today is 1st day in May 2013, Thanks to Allah SWT for gave me a best moment in last week of April 2013. Finally I can say goodbye for my unstable feeling and finally I past my eanglish and kwn persentation. I knew both of task are not my last duty in this term, but at least i can be more focus for final 

April'13, I also got new opportunity to be Liasion Officer of fsde 2013 and staff international seminar of sety 2013. Maybe for some people this not great opportunity but this is mean the world for me because this is my first time be apart of international event. Thank you for prabaning Tyas and Intan Permatasari, they are such an angel without wings in my life. Both of you always convince my self that i can do everything what i want. InyaAllah i can be reliable person and i hope i can increase my self confident and my eanglish ability.  

at the last day of april 2013, I attended to public Lecture in Djarum hall Pertamina Tower, FEB UGM. I'm not regret to come although i should withstand my horible feeling in my stomache. I meet a great speaker. I don't know his name but he came from Berlin. He told about his story in berlin and europa, and he also teach us how to solve a problem with wisely. In the last day of april i can open my mind to start new day in first may. let's fighting!

Rabu, 24 April 2013

Randong Feeling is Still Alive

Maybe this is not a proper time to write this post, but i had random feeling recently. I dont know why i keep comparing jogja with jakarta. I always trying to make my self enjoy with this environment, but i;m still stuck with uncomfortable condition. 

Honestly I hate some friends in Jogja. Why they are always yelling at me like they are a perfect person in the world? Do you know what i'm thinking about you? you are just too lame and childish. I know all of you just make a joke, but you did too much. 

I rather have metropolitan friend like my highschool friend who think about their future life not like you who always think about others life. can you mind your own business? 

This is make me going crazy. Feel like i'm walking around in a bad dream or in scary movie. I just need someone to make me wake up and drag me into a sweet dream. Ah, I need my high school friend. 

Sabtu, 13 April 2013

Feeling is Believing

Indonesia is heaven on earth. Do you proud to be Indonesian?

Selasa, 09 April 2013

Never Regret

It has been four years i still have the same feeling to him. God, Why you always convince my self that he is the only one i need?

YOT Motivation

Sorry for being busy, this term is completely succes to make me a studyholic. its been 3 weeks since my last post. Currenty i'm loving to spending my leisure time for study in liblary. I dont have enough time for blogging, open my social media or even me time. I really want to share you about my experience since a month ago.  january 17th 2013 was a new spirit of me in 2013,  i got an opportunity of being volunter for Young ot Top Jogjakarta's event. This event called YOT Motivation. 

Jadi YOT motivation itu acaranya adalah memberi motivasi tentang dreamcatcher buat anak- anak yatim piatu di panti asuhan An-nur bantul. Disini tugas volunter menjadi motivator sekaligus temen curhat buat anak-anak disana. Kita harus yakinin mereka kalo kondisi less fortuneate yang mereka alamin bukan penghalang buat mereka buat jadi dreamcatcher. Btw this is my first experience of being volunter since i lost my opportunity with Indonesia Youth Act. So, I was really excited for this event :)

Acaranya ada dua sesi, yang pertama pemberian motivasi secara keseluruhan oleh Kak Haris. Sesi kedua secara kelompok dan lebih ke personal. SubhanaAllah banget pas ngedengerin cita- cita mereka di sesi pertama, mereka punya cita- cita yang luar biasa. 

Di sesi kedua alhamdulillah dapet kesempatan  jadi motivator buat Wahid. Wahid itu salah satu anak di panti Asuh An-nur. Dia asalnya dari Jawa Tengah. Wahid datang jauh-jauh ke bantul supaya dia bisa dapet pendidikan agama dan formal gratis melalui yayasan An-Nur ini. Wahid hanya pulang bertemu orang-tuanya setahun sekali. Padahal dia masih berumur 11 tahun. Wahid juga punya cita-cita jadi guru matematika. I felt so happy of seing his spirit. Although he was in hard life and less fortunate he always smile and never give up to catch his dreams. He promised  me that 15 years later i will call him with "Pak Guru Wahid" 

After personal motivatin session we let all childrens write their dreams in post it and  glue it on the cardboard. Not only Wahid who touched my heart with his story. I found it in another cardboard.

                         "Simple tapi ngena"

Saat ngeliat mimpi mereka yang seperti itu rasnya mau banget bisa  ngabulin mimpi mereka. Gak pernah kebayang gimana rasanya gak pernah ketemu dengan Ibu kandung sendiri. Ya walaupun para volunter sampai kapanpun gak bisa ngegantiin posisi orang tua mereka yang sebenernya, setidaknya hari itu kita bisa ngebuat mereka senyum, ketawa, bercanda dan berbagi.

Ada tiga hal yang didapet dari acara ini. Pertama, harus lebih banyak bersyukur sesusah apapun cobaan yang ada.kedua, selalu berprasangka baik sama Allah SWT karena apapun keputusan yang udah Allah SWt buat untuk kita itu merupakan hal yang terbaik . ketiga, jadi ngerasain apa arti bahagia yang sebenernya. bahagia itu bukan cuma kita aja yang bisa ngerasain gimana suksesnya kita. Bukan hanya sekedar dibuat orang lain tersenyum, tapi makna bahagia itu bener-bener dirasain abadi ketika kita bisa liat orang lain tersenyum itu karena kita. Suatu saat atau kapanpun inget senyuman mereka, senyuman wahid, senyumnya joko rasa-rasanya rasa bahagia itu gak pernah pudar. membuat orang lain bahagia  itu lebih Indah daripada sibuk meminta kebahagiaan dari orang lain.

maybe this the reason why i want to have a big impact in the sociaty. Providing lots of  employment opportunities, have a foundation and giving scholarship for the children in Indonesia who not be able to pay their school fees, having a hospital who providing medical treatment with cheap cost, being a social entrepreneur. I believe all my dream will come true. I believe because i know Allah SWT hear my prayers. I will strive for my dreams and i know he will grant my prayers. Amin

btw I miss you so much kids, send my love and prayers to you :(
Glad to know you all volunter of YOT Motivation :)

Rabu, 03 April 2013