Rabu, 24 April 2013

Randong Feeling is Still Alive

Maybe this is not a proper time to write this post, but i had random feeling recently. I dont know why i keep comparing jogja with jakarta. I always trying to make my self enjoy with this environment, but i;m still stuck with uncomfortable condition. 

Honestly I hate some friends in Jogja. Why they are always yelling at me like they are a perfect person in the world? Do you know what i'm thinking about you? you are just too lame and childish. I know all of you just make a joke, but you did too much. 

I rather have metropolitan friend like my highschool friend who think about their future life not like you who always think about others life. can you mind your own business? 

This is make me going crazy. Feel like i'm walking around in a bad dream or in scary movie. I just need someone to make me wake up and drag me into a sweet dream. Ah, I need my high school friend. 

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