Senin, 20 Mei 2013

Be Grateful on Sunday 20:53

Everything seems so blurry, it was a dream. I felt like i'm dreaming and this is not reality or maybe this is just something I refuse to believe in. when i got this message I felt like i can't wake up from my dream and made all my body goosebump. But I'm so grateful for this chance. i knew i'll never know when i'm ready to take the opportunity. So, I decided to take this chance although i can't speak eanglish fluently. So, this is time for me to appreciate what ALLAH's gave to me. This is will be hard for me but i know Allah never give me a hard thing out of my ability. I still remember how scared i'm when i went to U204 for interview. I still remember how fast my heart beating. I still remember how cold my arms, but i hope this is will embrace me to beautiful future and i can improve my network. From now seems like  eanglish conversation will be my daily intake and i should take my time at least one hour to increase my eanglish ability, and do you know what i'm thinking is only about to convince my friends that what they think about me is all wrong. I can't imagine if i can have lots of friend from another country. So, i'll do my best. 

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